Your Float Experience

You walk through the door...

You’ll be greeted by a friendly smile from one of our members of staff…

You will be given a tour of our facilities to get you acquainted with the centre…

Sign a mandatory waiver while we explain the process…

Taken to your shower room and shown how to operate the pod.

You walk through the door...

You’ll be greeted by a friendly smile from one of our members of staff…

Given a tour of our facilities to get you acquainted with the centre…

The opportuinity to use the lavatory before your session

Taken to your float room and shown how to operate the pod.

Time to Float

Before you enter you will just need to take a quick shower, to remove any excess dirt and oil from skin and hair.

You can now put in your earbuds or turn on some music. Whichever makes you more comfortable.

Slowly immerse yourself in the pod, with the ambient air and water set to body temperature (35.5°C). 

Let yourself float, however you feel most comfortable. Door open or closed, you are in control of your experience

Time to Float

Before you enter you will just need to take a quick shower, to remove any excess dirt and oil from skin and hair.

You can now put in your earbuds and apply vaseline if needed

Slowly immerse yourself in the pod, with the ambient air and water set to body temperature (35.5°C). 

Let yourself float, weightlessly in the pod. Door open or closed, you are in control of your experience.

After you're done...

A post-float shower will be required to wash away the epsom salts from the pod and to get you ready to face the world again.

Before you leave, why not take some time to wind down in our relaxation room. Feel free to get a drink and chat about your experience to other patrons. 

Here are a few things we would like to go through prior to your booking. These are for our safety as well as yours. 

– Avoid shaving the day of your float session, because of the high salt content in the water it may sting. We provide vaseline to cover any small cuts or grazes or sensitive areas

– We recommend you use the bathroom first, to ensure no interruptions to your float.

– We advise that you avoid caffeine and other stimulants for at least one hour before floating.

– Eat a light meal a few hours before you float. It will be easier for your body to fully relax when its not digesting plenty of food. If you plan on eating a large meal, leave yourself 3-4 hours before you float.

– If you wear contact lenses, please bring cleaning solution and contact lens case with you.

– You must not attend a session under the influence of alcohol or drugs. 

– Please don’t come to float with recently dyed hair. We recommend waiting at least 10 days, or up to 30 days for shades of red. Please make sure that the water running through your hair is fully clear, and no dye comes off on the towel. Sometimes this can take a few washes. If there is any colour coming out still, please leave it another wash or 2 before floating.

Thank You

Ready To Book?

Click below to book yourself in for a session.